Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 5, 2013

iBreak Thru

We've got a BRAND NEW game. So play it. Play it. Play it. Play it!

Nick News Rank It: Annoying Siblings!

Grinding your gears, ruffling your feathers, or whatever you call it...the art of annoying is alive and well and your siblings seem to have mastered the craft! Nick News wants to hear what you find most annoying

Marvin Marvin: Football Boogie

Marvin doesn't know football, but he sure can boogie past those linebackers!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pizza Time

It's Pizza Time! Michelangelo is slicing up his favorite food in this new Turtles game! Can you reach the pizza goal?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mouser Mayhem

Baxter Stockman has unleashed a swarm of Mousers...can you stop them??

House of Anubis: Uncovered Secrets

Eddie's visions are trying to warn him about a great evil! Can you uncover the secret?

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